Tuesday, 22 October 2013

The Jewelers' Audience

We asked some people who fit the criteria of our fanbase to answer some interesting questions which have been provided to us lovingly by Rebecca. I approached several of my own friends as I know several Arctic Monkeys fans and therefore they would easily fit the criteria provided for The Jewelers.

Michael Shirley

Age: 17
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: White
Job: Student
Where they buy groceries: Mother does it
Spare time: Guitar, videogames, Army cadets
State their newspaper of choice: The Sun
Favourite magazines: Doesn't read magazines
Mode of transport most used: Car
Describe which gadgets they use: Phone, games consoles
Brand that attracts them: None in particular
Favourite clothing store: None in particular
Favourite drink: Jack Daniels
Favourite holiday spot: Paris, France
Why they like the genre or band: Because it appeals to what they look for in music, such as good lyrics and a good amount of teamwork in the performance

PROFILE:  Reformer

Luke Coleman

Age: 16
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: White
Job: Student
Where they buy groceries: ASDA
Spare time: Videogames, football, cricket, drums
State their newspaper of choice: The Independent
Favourite magazines: Fishing weekly
Mode of transport most used: Car
Describe which gadgets they use: Games console, PC
Brand that attracts them: N/A
Favourite clothing store: SportsDirect
Favourite drink: Orange Juice
Favourite holiday spot: Cornwall
Why they like the genre or band: Because they have grown up with rock music and they feel that are able to associate with the music and lyrics, plus it lets them let out lots of energy

PROFILE: Reformer

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