Friday, 4 October 2013

Skills Audit

This year, in the A2 year of the Media Studies course at City and Islington College I have evolved quite a bit in terms of my skills and the effort I have been putting in.

While last year, ol' Steven had trouble meeting deadlines and resorted to spending more or less the entirety of deadline day getting the blogging done (for reasons beyond my control) this year I have been prepared well in advance with my blogging, getting it all done in time. My research has been much better this year, but that may partially come down to the fact that my knowledge of the music industry far exceeds my knowledge from last year, partially from my own understanding and also from the lessons last year (thanks Dan).

Although I have attempted to, I've not been able to attend media workshop as of yet due to personal problems and all around bad timing, but I will continue to try and find a window for either me and my group, or just me to go in and do some work in there, whether it be research or just preparing for filming.

I have been far more involved in group work than I was last year, since my knowledge and understanding is a lot better this year, this means I can confidently give advice and support without my fellow group members having to correct me, or give better examples or ideas, which although not common last year, is non existent this year.

In conclusion I can happily say my progression into A2 has gone smoothly and I am happy with the translation and improvement in my skills, since I've been showing both effort and in my opinion, a better quality of work in comparison with AS.

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