Monday, 21 October 2013

Audience Research

To find out more about the kind of audience The Jewelers would be appealing to, I first had to find out the audience that our original artist appealed to. To do this my group went to an online Arctic Monkeys forum to ask the fans themselves what they would expect from an Arctic Monkeys video. Some of the results were helpful and some were offensive but just to be sure here's a gif of all of them:

Sorry for any explicit language but I guess target audience research is a danger we're all aware of going into it.

Here is an average audience member which I have created using the information gathered on the forums as well as asking these questions to people I already know who are fans of the band:

Name: Emily Baker
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Ethnicity: White
Employment: Student
Supermarket of Choice: Tesco
Hobbies: Going to gigs, hanging out with friends, shopping.
Newspaper of Choice: Metro
Magazine of Choice: NME
Most Frequent Mode of Transport: Tube
Gadgets: Phone, iPod, Laptop
Brand Attracted To: Coca Cola
Favourite Shop: Topshop
Favourite Drink: Water
Ideal Holiday: USA
Why They Like The Band: Like the music and think they seem cool.

I should say that the bands fan base is actually much wider than this, this just tends to be their hardcore demographic (e.g. the type that would join forums to talk about them) and also most people I know are this type of person so my research is not especially representative. If we looked at wider research based on who actually purchased the bands music or attended the concerts I'm sure we would see a much wider variety of people.

However, this research was so we would know what to put in a music video to satisfy the fans and this is the type of fan that would care a lot about the music videos, while a casual listener would probably not care.

Most of the fans would probably be mainstreamers given the non-showy nature of the band in their everyday attire and popular music.

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