Tuesday, 22 October 2013


Seeing as I am not actually in 'The Jewelers' as I will be filming the music video I won't be able to take pictures of the costumes the band will be wearing so I will just have to use Google.

As a big part of our video is a diamond heist we will be conforming slightly to the stereotypical bank robber type costume, e.g.:
First picture that comes up when you
Google 'diamond robber'

Indie bands have a casual style

However, the other half of our video is performance based and seeing as our band are a predominantly indie rock band we will also be conforming to those genre stereotypes which means basically just casual clothing. This means the performers in our video will have two costume changes, one more of a bank robber style and one more of an indie bands style. As our video has a black and white theme to it the costumes will also be these colours to tie the video together. I will leave the more in depth information on costume to the actual band members who have been posting the actual costumes they own.


The props needed for the performance part

The props in our video are very important for both the performance and the narrative part so lets start with the performance part. The main props for this are the instruments for the band. We will be using a drum kit, and two electric guitars as well as a microphone for this. Leytonstone school have said we can borrow their equipment for this but if for some reason that doesn't work I have an electric guitar and the other group members also have the instruments needed so that shouldn't be a problem.

For the other part of our video which is based around the diamond heist the props are a little more complicated. It is based around diamond imagery and a heist so our props ideally are going to be: diamond playing cards, blue prints, diamonds, crushed ice, a safe, the big fake diamond, a red cushion and, although it remains a grey area, possibly some kind of balaclava/mask.

Like I said here our location and setting of most of the scenes will be in Leytonstone school. The other more random shots like the blue print and card shots will be done in a location that isn't important as the location won't be featured.

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