Tuesday, 19 November 2013

Rough Cut Feedback

We've recieved feedback on our rough cut now from both teachers. We didn't film them but here was our basic feedback:
  • It's good so far
  • The beginning needs work
  • Dan was not keen on the shots of Ella and Ellie at the beginning and suggested a possible additional base track of Steven as a solution
  • Rebecca said that the shot of the diamonds on the cushion at the beginning either needs to be longer or much shorter and generally said the pace at the beginning was a bit slow.
  • Also some of the instruments aren't in time with the instruments in the song.
  • Aside from that they said everything looked good so far.
I think for the finished version we will have to look at that feedback and address those comments, I would agree that the beginning needs the most work. Obviously our rough cut wasn't of the whole video but the rest of it is coming along. We have another verse, another chorus and then the end of the song so hopefully the full thing will be laid out by the end of Thursday and then we can spend next week adding finishing touches such as effects and generally tidying it up. I think we are on track though.

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