Wednesday, 22 January 2014

The Use of Colour

A clear idea in my digipak is the use of colour, and the contrast it holds against the bland blacks, greys and whites. While the album cover itself holds similarities with the Muse album 'The Resistance', pictured below, the use of colour in mine goes much further, with the idea being the band being the life and colour in a music world of such boring greys and whites.

This was the original idea and evidently, I stuck with it. I did however, intend to go further with this idea. Below is the original inside panel of the album, which can now be found on the finished product, but with one stark difference.

The colours I added, although a nice idea in my opinion, showed the problem with certain things in photoshop. Although it may be a good idea in your head, it may not translate well onto paper. It also shows that while something may work in one situation, it can be rather poor in another. While the colours came across as vibrant and stark in the album cover, in this case it looks very strange and actually distorts the picture, with the three band members being hard to make out. A way around it would have been to have kept the band in their original colours and make the world black and white, but London is such a grey city, even the lack of colour on the London bus would have made it hard to notice the severe lack of colour.

This tells me that with an idea, the setting has to be perfect and you have to understand just how the idea is going to translate, instead of just having the idea of it in your head. In conclusion I can see that although my full product did not completely evolve, it is the minor aspects that evolved, and this makes me much happier, as I realize I eliminated the things that were holding my product back and made a solid final piece of work. I do however think that the idea was quite nice and I would happily go back to it and try and perfect it, make retaining the original colours, or just spending a lot of time on getting the colours to look less out of place and more natural.

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